CRH 2023 Midsouth Region Intern Presentations
It was another productive summer for APAC interns. We marked the end of our 2023 internship program at the CRH Midsouth Region Intern Presentations on August 8 at the Sheraton Flowood The Refuge Hotel & Conference Center. Seven APAC interns joined interns from CRH operating companies Midsouth Paving and Barriere to share details of their summer projects with CRH company leadership and leaders and mentors from each operating company.
APAC internships are designed to provide hands-on experiences to help participants explore their desired career fields. Over the summer, each of our interns worked with an APAC mentor to develop a project that would provide real-world learning opportunities, while also contributing to improving our company’s work processes. On August 8th, the interns reported on the results and lessons of their summer projects.
The presentation program opened with a safety minute lead by Midsouth intern John Gaither and a welcome from Dwayne Boyd, CRH Regional President – Midsouth Region. Next, Lee Cole, EVP of Environmental Health and Safety for CRH Americas, spoke about CRH’s areas of business and how CRH’s purpose informs and impacts different aspects of the business.
Before their presentations, the interns took part in a Q&A session with company leaders. The panel of experts included CRH Midsouth Region President Dwayne Boyd, Barriere VP of Asphalt Operations Justin White, APAC President Nate Killingsworth, and Midsouth Paving Executive VP Bret Thornton.
After four Barriere interns kicked off the presentations for construction-related projects, two APAC interns gave their presentations. Pheathur Edwards presented his project on construction communication, and Uthej Veerla gave a presentation about optimizing the design of pit roads at Brickeys Quarry.
APAC interns participating in the operations support presentations included Krimel Chandler, who presented a project on paperless solutions for employee files, and Thomas Graham, who shared details about his project on customer portal camera implementation.
The last group of presentations came from participants with safety and sustainability internship topics. Barriere and Midsouth presentations were followed by APAC intern Olivia Dupuy’s and Payton Spears’ presentations both on the topics of stockpile moisture of aggregates and potential benefits for covering piles and cold feed bins.
Closing out the program, guest speaker Will Crossley, Piney Woods School President, gave a keynote address on finding your purpose.
Congratulations to our 2023 interns on completing the summer program! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.